
Has anything happened in the last 18 months???

6434-  As you may have noticed, I have not done a good job of keeping this website up to date.  As a matter of fact, if you are reading it … Continue Reading →


Driving in Uruguay

I have decided to go ahead and post this.  I wrote it in March of 2015 and wanted photos to go with it, but I was never able to get … Continue Reading →


The Chivito!

7019-  Ahh, the Chivito…the informal national sandwich of Uruguay.  The Chivito is served all over the country in various versions and is probably the most popular snack in all Uruguay … Continue Reading →


My Home Away From Home

7039-  I thought it was about time that I showed you where I am living and  introduced you to my neighbors.  My friend Jerry owns a chakra, which by definition … Continue Reading →

3 month point

7068-  Well I have reached almost 3 months in Uruguay and I have done a terrible job of keeping this blog up.  My goal was to learn to relax and … Continue Reading →


Greetings from Uruguay

7129-  Well, I have been here a few days now and I am still getting acclimated.  Probably the most difficult thing is getting to sleep at a decent hour.  The … Continue Reading →


  7140-  Alright, let me first say that I have been doing an extremely poor job of keeping these posts up to date.  Since the last post, I have had … Continue Reading →

New Street Glide

Where Have I Been?

7228-  Well, it has been some time since I posted and I have been busy getting ready to have lots of time on my hands.  Earlier this summer, I decided … Continue Reading →

What Does The Future Hold?

7319-  Since this is my first real post, I wanted to explain how I have come to this place.  I was talking to an old and dear friend named Jerry … Continue Reading →



Welcome to my new Web site and Blog location.  I am working on getting this customized and up to speed, so please bear with me and check back later to … Continue Reading →