Has anything happened in the last 18 months???

6434-  As you may have noticed, I have not done a good job of keeping this website up to date.  As a matter of fact, if you are reading it at all, you must have the patience of Job.  I think I was trying to do a travel log or maybe write the next great novel, but it was just to much and so I just put it off.  I think that moving forward, I will do small posts without all the verbose commentary.  We’ll see.

In any case, I need to bring you up to speed.  Since the last post in March of 2015, I did return from Uruguay in April of 2015.  I spent the summer of 2015 visiting my family and did a cross country road trip from Washington state to Florida.  I returned to Uruguay in the fall and stayed there till early May 2016.  This time while I was there, I did more traveling to other countries including Brazil and Chile.


I returned in early May and enjoyed a family reunion in Orlando at Disney World with almost all of my family.  After that, my father and I rented a car and drove to the Keys for a week.  While in Florida, I decided to buy an RV so I can do more traveling in the US.  I bought the RV and drove back to Colorado with stops in New Orleans and Texas to visit friends.  Since returning to Colorado, I have been camping, taking little trips and getting the RV ready for extensive travel starting this fall.


In September, I took an extended motorcycle ride from Colorado through New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, California, Nevada and then back to Colorado through several Utah National Parks.  A couple of weeks and almost 4,000 miles.  A great trip that wet my appetite for more.


I am currently preparing to leave Colorado as the cooler weather approaches and plan on doing shorter posts more often.  Hopefully I will do better with those.  Happy trails.

Categories: Uncategorized

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