7140-  Alright, let me first say that I have been doing an extremely poor job of keeping these posts up to date.  Since the last post, I have had lots to keep me busy, but I hope that now I will have more time to keep this interesting.

Since the last post, I have retired from YESCO after almost 30 years.  That was a big step.  YESCO has been very good to me over the years and especially during the last year and a half when I needed to be dealing with Penny’s health issues.  I am not sure how I will do with so much time on my hands, but I will try to stay busy.  In that vein, I have left the United States for Uruguay for an extended visit.  The fact that their seasons are exactly opposite of ours certainly helped my decision as the day I left Denver, it was 12 degrees with snow on the ground.  The concept of endless summer really appeals to me right now.20141110_161525 I have a friend who has lived in Uruguay for several years and he has been inviting me down me down for a while, but the time was not right, till now.  When I arrived the next day, it was in the 70’s and shorts weather.  I have no problems with that.  He has a chakra (a small farm/ranch) and a hotel on the beach north of Montevideo.  What could possibly be wrong with that?




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The second day, I was in Montevideo at the Mercado Del Puerto where we came across the Estancia del Puerto restaurant where they grill all of the meat in front of you and the choice is basically unlimited.  It was really very good.


I am really just feeling out the area here, but I promise to do better on updating my status from this point forward with more and better pictures to follow.

Hasta La Vista.


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