What Does The Future Hold?

7319-  Since this is my first real post, I wanted to explain how I have come to this place.  I was talking to an old and dear friend named Jerry a while ago about life in general and my life specifically and he said something to me that I just couldn’t out of my head.  This wise old sage, and anyone who knows Jerry might question the wise part but certainly not the old part, told me that the average American male lives to 84 years old in this day and age, which equates to about 30,000 days.  Since I will be turning 64 this month, that means I have approximately 7,300 days left and he asked me how I wanted to live those days.  That was something that I could not get out of my head for the next couple of weeks.  How do I want to live the rest of these days?   Do I want to continue working and if so, why?  Do I want to travel?  Do I want to relax and do nothing?  What do I want to do with these precious days?

As I started to reflect on that, I looked back at my Social Security records and realized that I started paying in to Social Security when I was 12 years old and, while there were some gaps in those early years, for all intents and purposes, I have been working for 50 years.  When is enough, enough?  I am sure I could fill that time with visits to my family, visits to friends I haven’t seen for a long time, visits with friends that I just want to see more, travel and who knows what else.  So, after much thought and consternation, I have decided that it is time for me to retire from YESCO and seek out new horizons.  I have worked there for almost 30 years and YESCO has been very good to me during both good and bad times in my life.  I hope to be able to remain in contact with long time work friends through this web site.  It always amazes me that we are thrown together as strangers when we begin work at a new place, we develop relationships with people that we spend a third of our lives with only to drift apart when one or the other leaves for new opportunities.  I hope that does not happen with me.  I also want to keep in contact with all of my other friends, even if I am out seeking new adventures elsewhere, through this web site.  Anyone can get in touch with me through the “Contact” section of this page and I will get back as soon as I can.

So when am I going to pull up stakes and what am I planning to do?  I have no firm date for now, but I have told YESCO that it is something I plan to do no later that the end of the year and maybe sooner.  I don’t think that I am the kind of person who can sit around doing nothing so who knows what the future holds and what I may do, but I look forward to discovering where my life and retirement will lead me.  I hope you will follow along  and let me hear your thoughts.

So in conclusion, I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank or curse Jerry Bruner for opening my eyes and helping me see what is most important to me and for pointing me in the direction of new adventures.  We will see where it leads.  Stay tuned.

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